OverviewHelping to create the NÜTRL Vodka brand was definitely the highlight of my career. Started in 2013 as a local (but premium) vodka, Nütrl has now expanded their product line into multiple flavours of vodka sodas, various sub brands like Nütrl 7%, Nütrl JUIC'D and Nütrl Cocktails. I helped create this brand from scratch (with many other talented folks), designed the website, created can renders, directed TV commercials, and animated hundreds of social media ads.
Launch WebsiteThe aesthetic for Nütrl Vodka is clean and minimal in every way. I designed a website for NÜTRL Vodka that had large areas of negative white space, and subtle gray tones for typography and imagery of crystal clear vodka. As new products were added, the site expanded and became larger and more complex. One of the key aspects of the site was the product finder, which allows the user to search for liquor stores near them that have Nütrl products in stock.
Social MediaSocial media advertising was incredibly important to launching the brand. We shot many TV commercials for NÜTRL, but they can be expensive and time consuming. I have produced hundreds of animated social media ads that were quick to make, cost effective, and helped engage thousands of thirsty consumers. Our social media posts would range from very strategic, targeted ads that reinforced our broadcast TV messaging, to having fun with current events and celebrating important occasions such as St. Patrick's Day or New Year's Eve. Over the 10 years I worked on the brand, we went from zero to hundreds of thousands of followers, and many millions of views of our ads. Interacting with NÜTRL Vodka's followers was an invaluable experience, and we were able to learn so much from the feedback. Often they'd tell us which flavours they preferred, and whther they could find the product in their area.
NÜTRL Ad CampaignsWe launched NÜTRL Vodka Soda with the "Break Up With Beer" campaign, and continued with a consistent relationship metaphor for several years. In one campaign, the characters were looking for someone who wasn't "Too Sweet". In another campaign, the characters talked about how glad they were to know NÜTRL, as it kept things real and wasn't fake like other beverages. More recent campaigns aimed at the simplicity of NÜTRL compared to trying to mix your own drinks. Our most recent campaign was called "Time for NÜ", and focussed on the RTBs or Reasons To Believe; simply the fact that NÜTRL has no sugar and no carbs.